Withdraw Candidate

You may withdraw Candidates with the AppliedShortlisted, or custom status from any order before they are offered a position. You can reapply the Candidates with the Withdraw status to the same order later.

To withdraw a Candidate from an order:

  1. On Order Management, select the needed order to open its details.
  2. On the Candidates tab > Candidates List, select the edit icon  next to the needed Candidate with the AppliedShortlisted, or custom status to open their details.
  3. In the upper right, select WithdrawHide the image.See the image.

After you withdraw a Candidate from an order, the order status:

  • Becomes Open if there are no more Applied/Offered/Shortlisted/Onboard/custom Candidates available for this order.
  • Remains In Progress if there are other Applied/Offered/Shortlisted/Onboard/custom Candidates available for this order.

See also